Monday, February 3, 2014

Hey guys.

It's Dennisse! [Looking for Alaska blogger]
I just made a post on my blog about something very personal, but I want everyone to read it. I've been through hell and back and I think that finally accepting myself is something I should celebrate. I want everyone out there to know that if you ever need anything, you can talk to me. I don't care if I don't know you, or if you live across the world, I will do what I can to help. 

“Wanting to be someone else is wasting the person you are.”

Fellow followers

Emblems! If you have come from Instagram, we really appreciate it! Remember to comment below or on any post on any of the pages :D I will be sure to follow you if you comment your user :)


So like, I don't know what to do. Like literally my homework is spread out on the table and I'm over here blogging when I shouldn't. I don't know if that's a bad thing or...
Maybe I should be doing homework...


Sunday, February 2, 2014

More things to do!

Maggie and I are getting this. <3

Too excited

I think I’m a little too excited.
But Maggie and I have people from Germany and Indonesia and France
looking at our blog! <3 I’m kind of freaking out about it. Don’t judge.
Okay, bye. Keep looking at our blogs!
-Dennisse. [Looking for Alaska]